“Inclusion is a contact sport”

is the powerful slogan championed by the Special Olympics Committee, an organisation who Volunteens are proud to now be partnering with.

The Special Olympics was envisioned by Eunice Kennedy Shriver, sister of U.S. president John F Kennedy and Rosemary Kennedy, who had an intellectual disability. Understanding the potential of people with intellectual disabilities and the value of sports, Eunice Kennedy Shriver strove to turn sports fields into a common ground between people of all abilities.

Since its origins as a backyard sports camp, the Special Olympics has had a resounding effect on our communities in Australia, and worldwide. The organisation pursues its missions of improving the health and well-being of people with intellectual disabilities and promoting inclusivity through a number of programs. These programs include providing weekly inclusive sports trainings, inclusive local competitions, State, National and World Games pathways, and also education and public awareness campaigns.

In the meantime, if you are keen to find out more about this fantastic group, click on the links below to head to the Special Olympics site:

Volunteens Copyright 2023 | Founded by Erin Appleyard, Louise Campbell and William Spalding