Mother’s Day 2024: Give the Gift of Giving

Mother’s Day is all about showing gratitude for our mums and connecting with family! However, each year, it can be a bit tricky to surprise her, or find a new/not cliché way to show our appreciation, so why not take a new approach this year with Volunteens’ list of perfect mother-and-me bonding activities!

If you are sporty, outdoorsy, inspired by the annual Mother’s Day funrun, or think a self-care Sunday morning run would be perfect for you and Mum, this one’s for you! The Sunday Park Runs are a great way to spend quality time together, while doing something positive for the community. Some of Park Run’s roles on offer include being a course checker, pacer, photographer, sign language supporter, tail walker, and timekeeper! Head to our website to connect with them.



If Mum’s favourite child is the family pet, then why not suggest volunteering with the RSPCA as an Animal Care Assistant? This role involves making sure the animals, of all sizes great and small, have plenty of toys, snacks, and water, as well as making sure that they are getting enough socialisation, exercise, and have clean environments!

Are you a lover of everything vintage, big on promoting sustainability, or keen to reduce our societal issue with overconsumption? Then you should suggest a day of thrifting and check out the Feel Good Finds events that Vinnies is holding, today and next Saturday.

If you and Mum are looking for a way to share your love to our broader community, and make new connections, becoming an Outreach Stand Assistant with the Northwest Community Group could be a perfect fit. This role would involve you helping run a stand that distributes clothing, toiletries, blankets, and other essentials to those experiencing or at risk of homelessness. As well as passing out goods, your role is to socialise with the visitors and make them feel welcome.

Finally, make sure to check out some other pages on our website to keep looking at all the different opportunities on offer!

Volunteens Copyright 2023